Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 438

I'm at the library, it's 6:37pm, and I'm going to finish my story now.  It's kind of disgusting that I came up with it in February as a project for Valentine's Day, and here we are, exactly two months after that cursed day, and I'm going to be writing "the end" on it.*

Sit-ups Today: 122
Sit-ups In April: 1433

So, the other day, I mentioned being proud (PROUD, IF YOU CAN BELIEVE IT) that my character of Lara Demming is so darn dumb.  It really is a point of pride with me, that I'm acting as a sort of anti-Orson Scott Card here.  In other words, my characters are as dumb as I am, and I also believe homosexuals should be allowed to marry each other, as though they were human beings or something.

BUT HAVING SAID THAT . . . I stumbled upon a passage from the second book the other day while trying--Emma--to remember the name of Lara's older sister.  And in that section, it clearly stated that Lara was smart and always got As and Bs in school, but Emma was dumb as a rock, but was the preferred sister because she was so pretty.

So, there's really no way I can justify my earlier statement, or, the fact that I've written Lara as slightly below-average in intelligence in everything I've written about her this year and last.

Can you be both things?  

Is it possible that, once her family was all dead and she was dealing with the fallout of that, she reverted to a more childlike state, perhaps being less able to focus on pointless things like spelling tests and being able to name Carson City as the capital of New Mexico and Cincinnati as the capital of Ohio?  

Or, is it possible that once she started relying on magic instead of her intellect to solve problems, both her IQ and her grades started to plummet?

Or maybe she's smart about some thing and dumb about other things, just like most people.  Present company excluded, of course--you are very clever, you know.

Push-ups Today: 159
Push-ups In April: 1521

My stomach is making a weird gurgling/growling sound.  It's so quiet here in the library that I'm sure the people around me can hear it, and wonder if I'm smuggled a Golden Retriever in here with me.  Guess I should type faster and then get the hell out of here.

I finished the story (it's now 8:16), which always feels good (I was at 1200 words for the day, but "the end" add two to the total), and maybe tomorrow I'll start on the one about the twins.  Just no more Lara Demming stories for a while.  Although the twin one is about a high school girl too.  Maybe I should give teenage girls a break, though.  

There's no way THOSE words could come back to haunt me, is there?

Words Today: 1203
Words In April: 10,059

*By the way, I never capitalize "the end."  It's sort of a superstition with me, kind of like how you don't step on cracks in the sidewalk, wouldn't dream of giving a toast with a glass of water, and have never murdered your brother-in-law.

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