Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 437

"All I have is myself at the end of the day,
And all I want is for that to be okay."
Olivia Rodrigo

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In April: 1311

Kayla, that girl I know (I don't dare call her "that friend of mine," though you and I are friends, so she and I might as well be) who has a semi-identical twin, had her baby this past weekend.  I was speaking to Rosie, who works with her, and she told me that, even though her due date isn't until next week, her twin sister had her baby on Friday . . . so Kayla immediately went into early labor and had hers the next day.  I CANNOT be the only person that is creeped out by this, no?

Anyway, last week, I mentioned to Rosie that I was a writer, and today, she asked me what I was working on, so I told her about the idea for the story I wanted to write about Kayla and her twin sister, where the sister comes back from a field trip and isn't identical anymore.  To my surprise, Rosie was WAY more enthusiastic about this idea than Kayla ever was,* asking me how it ends, and when I told her, she said, "I want to read it, when does this come out?"

I told her that a) I'm not a real writer, and that b) I hadn't even started on it, it was just an idea I had.  And she seemed really disappointed by this (both the a and the b).  It made me feel pretty self-conscious, and ask myself why I hadn't written the story, when I have the beginning, part of the middle, and end in my head (and maybe the rest would fill in itself as I wrote it).

I guess every writer (except for Sanderson, of course) has a bunch of book and story ideas in their mind that they'll never get to, so I'm in good company (except for Sanderson, of course).  But still, maybe I should set that as a goal for next month or something.

Man, I wish the cabin were available--someplace I could go, focus solely on my various arts**, and not have to hear those screaming children on the trampoline outside my window (although I'm at the library now, in almost total silence, and I'm blogging instead of writing, so I have little excuse).

Push-ups Today: 70
Push-ups In April: 1362

I haven't put up another Storage Unit Serenade in a while.  I started editing another one, and got to the end of the song (I think it's from August), and then I started it up again, trying to do harmony with myself from the first take.  I don't know what I was thinking: I can't edit the two together.  Heck, the only way I could even edit the two audio tracks together would be if I recorded the sound separately and could lay it on top of the video track.  

It's possible I spoke to Big around that time and he said that he could splice the two of them together, but I don't remember that conversation.  It's weird, and so it, like the one from last month where I missed an entire verse (but managed to record the first verse three times), is just in-progress, slowing up putting anything new out for a while.

Words Today: 986
Words In April: 8856

*This hasn't happened to me for years, not since Austin was so blown away by my then in-progress "Balms & Sears," but Big Anklevich used to always talk about this overnight stocking job he had, where there was a coworker who always wanted Big to tell him about the stories he had thought up, like he was a huge fan or something, and how good that felt.

**I considered sitting down and recording another "Tales of eBay Horror" today, since I'm having a fairly interesting experience right now, but probably won't do it because my phone never has enough recording space on it (my guess is, those videos are incredibly space-consuming, regardless of how crappy they look to you), at least not for more than a song's worth.

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