Saturday, February 06, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 371

This was the first Saturday in months I haven't gone to the library (I think), because my nephew and I were going to the city for a toy trade (long story short: he got some excellent stuff, I got . . . to pay for gas), but I still managed to write a little bit at the end of the day.

Basically, you bring a box (or crate, or truckload) of toys, and people either trade their stuff for yours or buy your stuff outright.  It gives you a chance to get rid of stuff you don't want, and maybe help another guy complete his collection.  And if you're my nephew, people simply give you stuff, because . . . well, I'm not sure why they do that.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In February: 677

It was a big success for my nephew (he got a figure for free that he later sold for forty dollars), and there was free pizza (I only got one piece, but no big deal), and he wants to go again next month.

I'm not much of a people person, as you may know.  But there is something kind of neat about going someplace and mingling with others who have similar interests/passions as you.  Sort of like church, but without the judgment.  

A guy had a black Optimus Prime (an evil version) called Nemesis Prime that I was awfully tempted to buy, but luckily, I have almost no money right now (I managed to pay off one of my credit cards in January, so that's a small success there), and I would've regretted it had I bought it, since it's far too big to display with the other half dozen Transformers I have on my windowsill at present.

Push-ups Today: 131
Push-ups In February: 590

One of the things I most dislike about myself--besides 1) my face on video, pictures, or mirrors, 2) the fact that I'm a middle-aged man who still talks to himself every single day, 3) my inability to maintain a job or a human relationship, and 4) that I can't hit the high notes on Air Supply songs--is 5) that I start many, many projects and never finish them.

Heck, I may hate that more than talking to myself or failing to hit the high note at the "I don't know what to saaaaaaaay" bit in "The One That You Love."

Case in point: I started a new "Lost & Found" story a couple of months ago, started a high school-set werewolf story/screenplay that would've kicked ass, started my Outpost Pandemic novel in January, and began a Valentine's Day "Lara and the Witch" story just yesterday . . . and they're all in various states of abandon.  And today, I started writing my "Bossk P.I." sketch, instead of continuing a project.  I think it has real potential (of course, it's already a failure because I intended it as a comic sketch and came up with a dark-ass ending that negates any comedic potential it might have had), but I only got about a fifth of it written because I've never written a Mystery before.  I don't even know how to go about it.

And so, of course, I'll never finish it.  Predictable, really.

Words Today: 591
Words In February: 4507

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