Friday, January 29, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 363

I just finished uploading all the "My Friend of Misery" files.  The whole thing is just over five hours long (five hours of misery), and now it's out of my hands.

I have to admit that I used my library time to finish that.  So, zero words for today.

Sit-ups 100
Sit-ups In January: 3309

I saw a sign today that gave me pause.  It said "All that junk that's lying around, cluttering up the place . . . that used to be money."  It was a chilling thought.

I've had to clear out my room over the past three weeks, and I have found literally hundreds of examples of this--stuff I spent money on that has sat around for a decade, that I never did anything with, that is just garbage now.  It's been a real bummer.

Push-ups 50
Push-ups In January: 2513

Wow, so few words today (and part of those are just an author's note*).  I explained myself, though.  That's not an excuse--it was a choice I made--but it was an explanation as to where my free time went today.

Words Today: 470
Words In January: 21,418

*I count author's notes and introductions to story collections as writing, since those are actually getting published . . . and because I make the rules.

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