Friday, January 22, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 356

Finished an episode of the Outcast today.  That feels alright, not as good as finishing a story or a novel, but it's okay.  I wouldn't kick it out of bed for killing my family members.

I also did absolutely no writing (yet).

It was another one of those gray days, both inside and out, where I pondered the fruitlessness of my existence and wondered why I continue.  Yep, loads of fun in the Rish Outhead, kids!

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 2539

I did end up doing my sit-ups and push-ups and went for a run in the rain, which was kind of miserable, but once I got past that point where I often (but not always anymore) want to give up, it was fine, and the last half mile was basically me thinking about stories I could record and struggling not to step in puddles.  I'm not sure if my brain released those endorphins that Big A. is always talking about, but I do feel better now, with sweat running down my forehead and back.

Now I'm going to record a story for inclusion in the next episode (which is already saved and ready to go), so that my Patreon supporters feel special.  Then, I might write.

Push-ups Today: 126
Push-ups In January: 1923

So, I didn't end up writing more than half a page before calling it a night and going to sleep.  I think, tomorrow, if I'm feeling ambitious, I'll pick up my space colony pandemic story and see if I can't introduce droids to the story.  I like droids.

Words Today: 814
Words In January: 15,489

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