Monday, January 11, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 345

To reward myself for good behavior, I ended up watching the Leap Day episode of "30 Rock" last night between two and two-twenty-four am.  

I remember, about eight years ago, calling Big Anklevich after I'd seen the episode for the first time, going on and on about how everybody in the world of the show celebrated Leap Day like it was a real holiday, and that it ended with this truly effed-up moment when the old man narrator turned into a CG monster and hissed at the camera . . .

. . . but I knew that that hadn't really happened, that I had made it up to impress upon Big Anklevich just how effed-up the ending of the episode was.  I do that sometimes, my mind will embellish things that I've seen, and I will tell them as I wish they had been, rather than how they truly were.  It's a habit that bugs the people around me, but like a certain reprehensible President, I am mentally ill enough that I could pass a lie detector test that that's how the "Leap Day" episode ACTUALLY ended.

So, imagine my surprise when, while the credits rolled, the old man played by John Cullum leaned into the camera and his teeth went sharp, his eyes turned white, and gills appeared as he let out a nut-shriveling hiss.  

It actually DID end that way.  Double-you Tee Eff.

I rewound it and watched it again and again, shocked--and a little disappointed--that I had been vindicated.

In an attempt to find an image of monster Leap Day William, I discovered that plenty of people out there seem to observe the made-up holiday, by dressing in blue and yellow, giving out candy, singing carols, and saying "Real life is for March."  It's truly inspiring.

Well, in my high and low searches, there weren't any pictures of the nightmare-inducing version of the old man, so you'll just have to take my word for it.  I've been saying for years that it should be an international celebration every time we get a February 29th, like we did last year.  And even if most don't agree with me . . . Leap Day William lives in the Mariana Trench and rises up every Leap Day to trade candy for children's tears.  And don't you doubt it.

Push-ups Today: 50 
Push-ups In January: 914

You've heard this before, but it was after two am, I had an early morning the next day, and I still forced myself to get up and get my sit-ups done before I allowed myself to sleep.  And STILL, my father is not proud of me.

Sit-ups Today: 111
Sit-ups In January: 1314

But you know, tomorrow is another day and all that.  If you're reading this, yesterday is gone, but you can still work today, and strive to work again tomorrow, maybe harder.  I believe in you, and so does Leap Day William.

Words Today: 517
Words In January: 6754

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