Saturday, January 09, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 343

I'm at the library again, and it's closing in an hour.  I think I can get some words, as I've finally reached the point in the Dead & Breakfast novel where Mason gets to use the words the ghost of Old Man Teklits gave him nearly two years before.  I set that up with no idea how it was going to pay off, but like George Lucas, I'll tell people that I always had it planned out before I even started writing these.

If . . . and it's a big if, I manage to pull it off, it should be a pretty powerful moment, although I originally thought the conversation would be in person, and now it's turning out to be over the phone, and I'm enough of a screenwriter to realize that'll work much less well.  We'll see if I can make it work.

Oh, another thing: my brother-in-law was watching a football game this afternoon, and a Geico commercial came on that said the name of the Lara and the Witch story I wrote in the fall.  It's the "Fencing Problem" ad, where a bearded dude and his chillingly attractive wife complain about their neighbors' fencing . . . and then said neighbors enter the frame with foils and fencing gear on.  

The above is a longer version than the fifteen second one I saw, but I couldn't find the cut-down one.  

It's really, really dumb, but it ended with the voiceover guy saying "Bundling Made Easy," which is what I titled the story where Lara falls in love with a basketball player named Scott, who I never gave a last name to.*  It made me laugh, even though it's a gross pun, but made me feel inspired, as far as my story title goes.  I hope somebody out there likes the narrative as much as I like what I named it.

Okay, I started the scene, and got 185 words into before I started surfing the internet.  The dang library is about to do it's "Please take your purchases to the registers and thanks for shopping at Toys R Us" message.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 1003

Push-ups Today: 60 (I think today I was supposed to do my big set)
Push-ups In January: 743

Words Today: 933 (I had intended to get to a thousand, but I have reached the tipping point--the climax, if you will--and I'll to give some thought to what happens next)
Words In January: 5030

*Over and over in the story, it's written as Scott ____, because I enjoy giving full names in my stories, but was too weak to give him a full name.  Any suggestions?

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