Sunday, January 03, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 337

So, this one was almost the last day . . . ironic, considering how close to the finish line I am.  Because it was cloudy and threatening to snow, I decided to go on my run before that happened.  So I did my push-ups as a warm-up, then went jogging earlier than I ever have (at around four o'clock in the afternoon), and then, when I it got dark a few minutes later, I kept thinking it was later in the day than it was.  

I edited a podcast (I'm getting worried that I don't have any stories to present to you, yet I need to put out new episodes, and so far, they're all just me in the car talking about other stuff), I recorded some answers to listener questions, and went I left my room, I saw that the kids were still up, despite school starting up again tomorrow.  Why was that?

Well, it was because it wasn't even seven o'clock yet, but because it got dark early, my whole schedule was off.  I often put things up for sale on Sunday nights, and I really busted my butt tonight, listing over a hundred and twenty items

Push-ups Today: 118
Push-ups In January: 295

It was getting late (after one am), and I hadn't written anything, so I sat down and started recording an audio version of my 2020 story "Comes the Podcatcher," which I decided to rename as simply "Podcatcher."  It was slow-going, but I managed to get down the first section, then typed up a bit to go at the end (which I may have actually written originally, but wasn't in the file I was looking at).

It's a long enough story I could present it over three episodes, and maybe I will in the spring or later.  I wrote it entirely at the cabin, and I guess I could edit it entirely there too (though that's almost six months away now).  I ought to think about a cover to it too, since the above picture probably won't quite hack it.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 342

Words Today: 478
Words In January: 1610

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