Tuesday, January 26, 2021

12 Goals For 2020 - January Recap

So, 2020 came and went (didn't it?), and I guess I should take a minute to look back on it all (of course, I created a whole podcast episode about it, if you'd like to CHECK IT OUT, but this post can sum up).

1.  Publish "The Calling: Reunion."
    Done (both text and audio)  
2.  Do Dunesteef Patreon with Big.
3. Put Out "Tales of eBay Horror" Episodes.
4.  Finish "Balms & Sears" Novella.
5.  Publish EITHER "A Sidekick To Miracles" or "You're In Good Hands."
   Yes, for "You're in Good Hands."  Nope for "Sidekick."
6.  Finish "Podcatcher" short story.
    Done.  Got the audio recorded too.
7.  Do BOTH "Empire Strikes Back" and "Death Star Day" Episodes of "Delusions of Grandeur." 
   Done, both.
8.   Publish EITHER "My Friend of Misery" or audio version of "A Lovely Singing Voice."
    Done, MFOM (text version), audio ready to go.  "Singing Voice" is recorded and edited, but I never put it out.
9.  Do "Till Death Do Us Meet" Episode With Marshal Latham.
    Done, on the Journey Into... podcast.
10.  Put Out Christmas Story Collection.
    Nope.  Made a menu, though.
11.  Put Out Audio Collection 4.
     Nope.  Recorded several stories for it, though.
12.  Put Out TWO New "Dead & Breakfast" Stories.
     Done, "The Old Man & Me," "Fatherless Child," "Three-Time Visitor," and "Never Let Him Go" are all available.  

According to my math, that's seven Yeses and five Nos.  I think that's not half bad (well, slightly less than half, right?).

These are my completed writing projects in 2020 (the last one finished right at year's end):
1.  Three-Time Visitor (D&B)
2.   Fisher & Florence (Romance, follow-up to "A Mark on the Sky")
3.   Comics Trip (Fantasy)
4.   Troubled Child (Fantasy)
5.   Fatherless Child (D&B)
6.   Never Let Him Go (D&B)
7.   The Last Friday In December (D&B)
8.   A Sidekick's Errand (Western)
9.   Comics Trip (screenplay version)
10.  A Sucker For Mystery (D&B, formerly known as "Who You Gonna Call?")
11.  Winter Break (meteorite story)  (Horror)
12.  Meet the New Clerk, Same As the Old Clerk (D&B)
13.  Pizza Place Story (formerly Little Caesars story, Drama/Coming of Age)
14.  That's The Spirit! (Christmas Fantasy)

15.  Turn Around, Jedi (Star Wars sketch)
16.  Bryan Adams sketch (redux)
17.  Comics Trip, The (screenplay - second draft)
18.  Tell Me Once Again, Who's Bad? (Star Wars sketch)
19.  Ticking and Talking (sketch)
20.  The Comics Trip (screenplay - third draft)
21.  Podcatcher/Comes the Podcatcher (Horror)
Hatchling (Drama/Fantasy/Romance)
Underdecorated (Horror)
24.  Message To My Girl (Romance)
25.  The New Model (D&B, Romance)
26.  Two Month Retreat (formerly known as "Two Month Itch."  I dunno, Horror?)
27.  Bundling Made Easy (Lara and the Witch 4, Romance)
28.  The Waffle Iron Man (Horror)
29.  Melody neighbor story (uhh, also I dunno)
30.  A Gallon A Day (Comedy)
31.  Untitled fire prompt story (Horror)
32.  Sunset poem
33.  Made Just For You (Lara and the Witch 3, Christmas)

Amongst the unfinished stories I started in 2020 are "The Calling: Redemption," the new Will Choner story, a high school werewolf story, the Outpost 3 pandemic story, a police interviewing a witness sketch I wrote for me and Big and Renee, and the already novel-length "Only Have Eyes For You" Dead & Breakfast story.

Here's to 2021!
1.  Go on one hike a month.
2.  Finally write the "Bossk PD" sketch.
3.  Collaborate on a story with Big Anklevich.
4.  Put out Christmas collection I was supposed to put out in 2020.
5.  Put out Audio collection I was supposed to put out in 2019.
6.  Go to the Salt Flats in central (northern?) Utah.
7.  Finish "Only Have Eyes For You."
8.  Publish "Hatchling." 
9.  Publish "Underdecorated" AND "Podcatcher" AND "A Sidekick's Errand."
10.  Record "Know When To Walk Away" With Big.
11.  Put out two "Tales of eBay Horror" episodes.
12.  Finally finish "Balms & Sears."
13.  Put out lost TGMG Thanos episode.
14.  Continue to exercise.  Why not?
15.  Maintain a positive outlook on life.

I will try to follow up on these from time to time throughout the year, though it looks like I've already completed one of these, which is nice.

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