Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December Sweeps - Day 332

Only three more days left in the month/year.  Just enough time to finish my story if I work hard, and achieve all my 2020 goals if I start a serious cocaine habit.

The sunset through the library window is making the trees look reddish, which tells me I've wasted at least fifteen minutes of my time here.

My nephew checked the balance on his debit card last night around ten, and discovered that he was in the negative amount.  Somebody that day had spent over six hundred dollars at a store out of state, and now the bank was charging him a $50.00 overdraft penalty.

He's only thirteen, so the adults volunteered to call the bank to try to sort this out, but all operators were busy with other calls, so my mom decided to go to the bank when it opened today to talk to them in person.  I told my nephew to go with her, but he refused (he refuses about 70% of things I tell him to do nowadays--even the three year old manages about 50%), so he played video games while she went to the bank and explained what had happened.

I told him they'd have him cut up his debit card and issue him a new one, but I turned out to be wrong.  The bank actually said, "Don't worry about closing your account and creating a new one.  If the fraud happens again, let us know and we'll go through that then."  I absolutely don't get that.  Somebody hacked the boy's account and got away with six hundred dollars once, but we're not going to make it difficult/impossible for that person to do it again?  By that logic, you wouldn't want to change your locks until the second time somebody used a stolen key to enter and defecate on your daughter's bed.

Sit-ups Today: 150
Sit-ups In December: 3282

As has become an almost-daily ritual, I drove over to the library before it closed.  I chose to do my writing on the first floor today, never having done so before, because I thought I would be around a lot more people and, I dunno, see pretty girls or dudes with successful relationships, or at least the blind Korean guy and the deaf Trump supporter.  I did see the latter two, but wow, there were just way too many people on the first floor, and very few rules, apparently.

Before I had even been here a half an hour, I realized I had made a mistake.  People were just too loud, talking at normal volume, talking on their phones, beating off vigorously in the Young Adult aisles, talking to their friends that were playing "Minecraft" on the library computers, and I zipped up my computer (as well as my fly, thank you very much), and went on up to the quiet second floor.

Almost nobody here, but that's okay, I'm here to write, not look at co-eds and imagine what they'd look like without masks on.

I was working on my "Lara & the Witch" Christmas story, and I got to a few seconds before Lara gives Holcomb her gift.  If I were serious about this writing thing, I'd force myself to finish the story before New Year's Day.

Hmm.  Somebody just farted so loudly and musically, it was like Louie Armstrong had come back from the dead.  Festive.

I got a bit more writing done on the second floor (I told Big that my goal was a thousand words, which he'll probably have to go back to in a few days), though I will admit that I left before the library made its "Get the hell out" announcement and flashed any lights.

I did my run, and it was in the twenties out.  Not sure I'll be crazy enough to keep this up much longer.  But hey, I would've said that about writing and blogging.

Push-ups Today: 116
Push-ups in December: 2981

I went to my cousin's house, and on the way home, I heard the new Dua Lipa song on the radio for the second time (I had heard it back in late October or early November, and couldn't figure out what she was saying, over and over.  Turned out it was "Levitating").

Well, I forced myself to listen to it all the way through, and tried to find something positive in there somewhere*, a bit I thought worked musically, or a catchy line, clever rhyme, a fun beat.  I just couldn't do it.  It really is an abjectly terrible song, and on the radio you don't even have the benefit of seeing her gyrate sensually while she sings it.

Words Today: 1307
Words In December: 27,399

*During the weekend, I was at the grocery store, and "Break My Heart" started playing on the overhead speakers, and I got my phone out, thinking someone was calling me.  Yeah, it's been my ringtone since July.

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