Wednesday, December 02, 2020

December Sweeps - Day 305

Okay, so after quite a scare the day before (and a bad headache the day before that), I woke up on Wednesday feeling on the mend.  Thank goodness.  I pushed (nearly) all worry about COVID-19 out of my mind and tried to accomplish at least some work and positivity.

My nephew was still home from school sick, and my mom spent most of her day and night taking care of him, but my sister said she felt fine and had gone to work, and when she got back I asked her about her health, because I wasn't quite back to normal--maybe a little achy, and she said she felt sore, but often did after a bad migraine, and that my nephew's illness was due to him getting on new medication on Monday (he was also vomiting and diarrhea-ing).

By the end of the day, I didn't quite feel up to doing my usual run, but I managed both sit-ups and my entire regimen of push-ups, so I knew I couldn't be down with the disease.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In December: 180

Push-ups Today: 101

(she At the end of the night, I asked myself the musical question: Am I a writer or am I not?

I wanted to go to sleep, but with zero words written, could I let myself?

So, I did that bare minimum we've been talking about so much, writing an addition to the "Lost & Found" sequel story that sets up yet another case.  It was about three hundred and fifty words, but hey, it counts.

Roger looks . . . okay.

Words Today: 358
Words In December: 661

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