Thursday, December 10, 2020

December Sweeps - 313

Wow, here we are, a third of the way through the final month of this, the longest year on record.  There are a lot of things I won't miss about 2020, but you ever see that shirtless guy that comes up on ads on YouTube that says, "Cardio burns fat, right?  Wrong!"  Him I will miss not at all, Scarecrow.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In December: 944

Push-ups Today: 105
Push-ups In December: 515

I went back to the library, but with my laptop this time.  It's counter-productive, because I could just be on my laptop at home, but after yesterday, I don't trust their system--if the power went out now, my laptop would just switch to battery.

So, I decided to rewrite what I wrote yesterday.  The problem is, only about 10% of it is the same.  I've had to recreate lost work before--even going so far as to rewrite a couple of stories from beginning to end--and it's always hard to replicate what went before.  My brain doesn't want to tell the same story twice in the same words: it wants to tackle things from new perspectives or add details that it didn't include the first time through.  So, it's the same exact events I'm describing as yesterday, but it might as well be Chapter 2 instead of Chapter 1.

If other people found the process of writing fascinating, there would be something of interest there, I think.

I didn't even get as far as I did yesterday, even though I think I wrote for longer (of course, Disney was giving their investor presentation while I was writing, and I started reading their announcements, and boy, that was all she wrote, as far as writing goes).

As far as publishing goes, "My Friend of Misery" is ready to go, and now stands at 42,291 words.  I was looking through a notebook yesterday, trying to figure out what year I wrote "Roll With The Changes," which I'm putting in my next audio collection (or the next one).*    Anyway, I was paging through the handwritten manuscript of MFOM, when I discovered a bit at a funeral that I didn't remember recording.  I read through it, and yeah, it's a section I never typed up, for some reason (though the pages immediately before it and after it were in the version I recorded).  So, I sat down tonight and read that bit, which shouldn't be too jarring when I drop it into chapter 32, unless my post-COVID voice is different than my pre-COVID one.

Gino sent me a sketch he did for the cover, which I'll post here:

I dig it, and wish my own artistic talents were more developed.  Here's my sketch, by the way:

As soon as that guy gets the cover done, I'm putting it out there.  Heck, I should focus on having all the audio done by the time that happens.  Shouldn't be too long.

Words Today: 1940
Words In December: 8396

*I wasn't sure if it was 2018 or 2017, but found it in the notebook, under the temporary title of October Scary Story 2016.  Whoops.

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