Saturday, November 21, 2020

November Sweeps - Day 294

Today is Saturday, and I awakened extraordinarily early (around 4:25am).  I got up, and hit the bathroom, and before I went back to sleep, my nephews got up to go fishing with their dad, and made a surprising amount of noise for that early in the morning.  They went off, hours before dawn, and I went back to sleep.

I woke up again shortly after, not sure why I couldn’t stay asleep, and I contemplated getting up and starting my day, maybe editing on the Star Wars podcast, but instead, I just lay there until I could sleep again.  

Do you do that?  Is it normal?  Or am I just extraordinarily lazy?  My little sister will often criticize my older sister for sleeping in till one or two on a Saturday, but I always assume she's just exhausted from the rest of the week and uses the weekend to catch up on sleep, not that she's a perpetual teenager (which I think applies to me pretty well).

I listed an expensive Spider-man figure for sale last week, and it sold yesterday . . . but today I couldn’t find it.  I went through my boxes, and my bags, and back through the first box I checked (in case I wasn’t thorough enough), and it doesn’t seem to be any of those places.  Usually when this happens, it’s because months have passed since the day I listed it and the day it sells, but this is unusual, since I had it out to photograph it, and now it has disappeared.

In looking for it, I discovered something: the memory card I’d been using for audio before my current one.  It had disappeared in February or March of 2019, and I was sure I had left it in Las Vegas when staying at my uncle’s.  But no, it was here all along, and only rediscovered now.

I plugged it in and looked it over.  There were two Rish Outcasts on it that never aired, and the That Gets My Goat Big and I recorded with Marshal for release in April (of 2019).  I never did get rid of the other two’s recordings, so I’ll set the release of that now-laughably-dated episode talking about THE AVENGERS sometime after the holidays.  Good news, if you care about that sort of thing (which Big and Marshal might).

Now it’s afternoon—nearly night by where the sun is in the sky—and I finished up my work and scurried off to the library before it closed.  They close early on Saturday (I know I say this every week, but it bears repeating Every Week, because students tend to be those who most use the library, and the one day that students most need the library, they close early*), so I have very little time to write . . . and I’m using it blogging.  I’ll probably look up something on Wikipedia too, because I never learn.

I’m in a far better mood than I was yesterday at this time, when I was mired in melancholy (ooh, cool story title), and aching inside.  I still exercised and wrote and watched “30 Rock” (the damn thing auto-plays, so I often awaken to find the television two or three episodes ahead of where I fell asleep), and those things did make me feel better.  The reasoning for my depression yesterday absolutely remains, but I don’t feel it quite as heavily on my shoulders, and that seems odd to me.

Sit-ups Today: 150
Sit-ups In November: 2476

So, I came to the library, wrote a bit on my sketch (I actually wrote “the end” when I realized it was getting too long, then continued it from there.  Maybe, if it’s well-received, we’ll do two of them), and then killed a full half an hour looking up insurance company slogans.  One of my goals for November is to find a title I like for the third Lara/Holcomb story (and November is nearly through).

I saw today that one of Met Life’s slogans was “Have you met life today?”  I like it so much, I’m considering using it for the third Lara and the Witch story, even though it doesn’t really fit.  But right now, I’m really leaning toward “Only Progressive Gives You The Option To Name Your Price.”  A little wordy, I realize, but it fits the young-girl-in-love aspect of the story.

Push-ups Today: 96 (with about twenty minute break in the middle)
Push-ups In November: 847

After my exercise, I made myself some soup (I've eaten more soup in 2020 than I did in an average decade of my life--partly because it seems healthy, but also because it is cheap), recorded the middle chapter for the next "Dead & Breakfast" release (which really helps the story feel more significant, whereas I worried before that it was so unimportant that I didn't dare charge anything for it**), and that added a few more words to my count.  

Words Today: 1778
Words In November: 20,137

*Of course, they’re closed completely on Sundays.  I wonder when that nasty practice will come to an end.

**This one doesn't really set anything up, so much as resolve a plot thread from "The Night Clerk."  It does mention Meeshelle for the first time, and establishes that the police are investigating the bed and breakfast, which was going to be a story I wrote later this year, before I got bogged down in the novel-length "Only Have Eyes," which I haven't worked on in months.

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