Monday, November 02, 2020

November Sweeps - Day 275

Mondays tend to be busy, I say that a lot.  But I feel like, because of the time change (Daylight Savings kicked in on Sunday, and I usually feel it for a week or so), everything is earlier than it feels like it should be.  And that's neat.

I went to the library and finished my story (still calling it "A Gallon A Day," though I called it "Thirty Gallons A Day" in my Patreon address, because I had wanted to give it a title similar to THIRTY DAYS OF NIGHT*).  It feels good to finish a thing, and this seems like my first comedic piece (outside of sketches) since "Journey Into Another Dimension."

Before I post this, I want to mention this little thing.  Tomorrow is a very important day, and I am scared--truly scared--about what's going to happen with it.  I remember writing in my journal on the, I wanna say 18th of May 1999 "today is the last day in which there are only three Star Wars movies.  I just wanted to think about that for a few more minutes before it's gone."

Nobody knows what's going to happen with tomorrow's election.  I made a video a few weeks ago when I was at the cabin for posting on the fourth of November, in the event that we get four more years of Trump.  But in the last weeks, the numbers have certainly SEEMED indicative that the election is going to go the other way.  The only truly easy prediction is this: if Trump gets more votes than Biden, then Biden will concede.  

But nobody knows what happens if the numbers are close, and nobody knows what will happen if Biden gets considerably more votes than Trump, and nobody knows what happens if Biden gets waaaaay more votes than Trump does.  Will Trump concede the elect--

I can't even ask the question, because he's already said that he won't.  So, this is a precarious time to be alive, and who knows where things are going to go?

Part of me doesn't want to go to my cousin's to watch "The Mandalorian," because I don't want to miss the election results.  And part of me doesn't want to go to the cabin for what looks like the last time this year because the results might still be coming in on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  And next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In November: 200

Push-ups Today: 86

Words Today: 439
Words In November: 705

*Never found a word that rhymed with "night," though.

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