Sunday, May 03, 2020

May Sweeps - Day 93

I didn't accomplish a great deal today.  I didn't do much writing, I barely exercised, but I did finish my Patreon address.  So don't be sad, 'cause two out of three ain't bad.

Actually, I also recorded another Rish Outcast episode, and talked to Big Anklevich for a surprisingly long time about Disneyland versus Universal Studios, and what Star Wars Land might have been like if it was Original Trilogy-based.

My aunt has often disparaged the fact that my cousin and I can talk about Star Wars literally every time we get together, and Big and I remarked about that, and how some people only have That One Thing they can talk about . . . yet he and I have several (including toys, movies, podcasting, writing, travel, Pixar, Marvel, and how delicious the blood of our victims tastes . . . oh, and Star Wars).  Guess we should count ourselves lucky.

Oh, and it rained on and off all afternoon, so while I drove on up the canyon, hoping to catch a lull in the rain, I still got rained on, only about ten minutes into my hike.

The truly weird thing is: there was nobody else on this hiking trail.  Yes, it was raining and it was going to get dark any time soon, but to find nobody else out doing the hike* is just strange.  Of course, the signs still said "Closed For Winter" so perhaps that had something to do with it, as well as the locked gate at the head of the trail, but like I did in February (when I did the Counting Crows Serenade), I just walked around it.

I'm getting tired of being the only person in these photos.  I guess that's what social distancing is all about, but I'm starting to get a romantic-dinner-in-Paris-for-one vibe from these pictures.

About a quarter of a mile up, there was an area on the trail with a bunch of fallen rocks on it.  I assume it's from our recent earthquake activity, but it could be that this sort of thing happens every winter.  But I was surprised nobody had cleaned it up.  If I were my dad and we were (illicitly) hiking up the trail, I'd have said, "Okay, kids, let's stop here and pick up all these rocks for a few minutes."  Guess I should've taken a picture of that too.

At least I got a song in, although at this point, it'll be mid-July when I put it out.

Sit-Ups Today: 35
Sit-Ups Total: 100

It's only midnight when I'm typing this, so I think I could write a little bit more, do a few more sit-ups, and I dunno, drink some water before I call it a night.  Tomorrow will be another busy one, work-wise (which is good, I'm not complaining--I'm still struggling with debt, but I feel like I could be out from under by mid-summer, as long as I don't go to the dentist, renew my car insurance, replace my windshield, get a speeding ticket, or go on a road trip again).

I got a couple more paragraphs done, and while it wasn't as hard tonight as it was a couple of nights ago, it still wasn't one of those times when the words are just flowing from me.  Maybe I'll have to write in multiple spurts a day to get my numbers up.

Words Today: 601
Words In May: 2072

P.S. I'm still posting one of these every day:

Okay, Day 33. "Take Me To Church" by Hozier.
Holy smoke, I LOVE that song. Not in spite of its glorious sacrilegious overtones, but because of them.  Sorry, Mom.

*There was one more car parked there.  And it belonged to a young couple (if thirties is young) who were not hiking, but cuddling under a visitor's center awning the whole time.  They asked if I was a photographer, and I made up a story about doing a Mother's Day video for my mom, which they thought was sweet.  Now I probably ought to do a video, to stave off bad karma.

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