Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May Sweeps - Day 116

My sister got home from work at six-thirty again today, and the sound woke me up.  There was about thirty seconds where I thought, "You know, if I got up right now, I could accomplish way more than if I waited for my alarm to go off."  I let myself fall back asleep, but then woke up not long after, thinking I had wasted the chance my body was giving me.  But no, it was still pretty darn early, and I decided just to get up and get to work.

I'm very glad I did, because I feel like I accomplished something, and the whole day just FELT different with some extra hours in it.  I genuinely will try to get up early next Tuesday as well.*

Today I got an email that the library will be reopening June 1st.  Customers have to wear masks, we're not allowed to grope or lick the librarians, and computers will be wiped off after each use, but other than that, it sounds like business as usual.  I wonder if my word productivity will skyrocket with both the cabin and the library open again.

No words today . . . yet.  I had so much work to make up from the weekend (only took one day off, technically), that part of me feels a little bit guilty having left town on a day when the post office was closed anyway.  There's something pathological in that.  But of course, you don't read my blog to get a paragon of mental stability, do you?

Wait, why DO you read my blog, anyway?

The other day, I think that I told you that I spoke to an attractive woman, found out her name, and was very tempted to shake her hand, despite the pandemic.  Well, I had wondered why she was so friendly, and the next time I saw her, she brought up her husband right away (like, within the first thirty seconds of our conversation), and I guess that was why.  I know a couple of women who are engaged or married, and they interact with me in a completely different way than the single ones do.  It's quite remarkable.

The reason I mention that today (despite it being last week when the lady talked about her husband first thing) is that I started chatting with a girl/lady I know today, and she absolutely lit up in a way she hadn't done before.  We ended up talking for twenty minutes or so, and I gave her the opportunity to break away at least once, saying, "If you need to be someplace . . ."  And she just kept talking to me.

That was so odd, so frankly unusual, that I'm almost willing to believe she got engaged since the last time I spoke to her.  Congratulations, miss.

Sit-ups Today: 60 (whoops, I really ought to run out there--despite it being 2:21am--and do a few more)
Sit-ups Total: 1325

Today, I had to go running before it got dark, because I was meeting my cousin for dinner at nine.  I am usually pretty self-conscious about it--can't say why--but I did my usual routine today, and the only difference was that a) I saw a lot more people out and about (some dude made fun of me from his backyard.  Is "Run, Forrest, run!" really funny anymore?) and I ended up much, much sweatier by the end of the run.  Makes me wonder how July and August will be . . . if I'm still aliv--er, running at that time.**

As far as writing goes, who really cares?  I did get some done today, but not enough.  I was writing a policeman character, and I decided to base him on a coworker friend of mine back in L.A. (called him Detective Harrell).  It occurred to me that there are certain people who get name-checked again and again in my writing.  And yet there are a couple of people I grew up with or know that never get mentioned.  I don't know why that is (except for, as I've said, I've almost never had somebody appreciate/enjoy having a character named after them), but I just had an idea for a bit in my "Dead & Breakfast" novel where Rowan wants to know who Adelaide is, that she made such an impression on Mason Bradley that he co-wrote a song about her.  That's fun.

Anyway, tomorrow is the deadline for the second draft of my script "The Comics Trip," and there's no way in hell I'll get it done.  So, my question to myself is, "Do I email the producers and tell them I'm going to be a couple of days late, or do I just not turn it in tomorrow, but get it to them on Friday or so?"  I guess the third option is to sequester myself tomorrow and just write the damned thing through to the end.  In which case, I'm counting every single word of the second draft, not just whatever parts I write tomorrow.

Aw, who am I kidding?  I couldn't live with myself if I did that.  It would be cheating.

Words Today: 1228
Words In May: 27,112

*Unfortunately, I know myself pretty well, and there's virtually no chance I'll set my alarm and make myself do this again--despite it being 7:26pm and me not yet being tired.  Of course, a year ago I would not have believed that I'd go a hundred days in a row not only exercising, but enjoying a lot of it.  So, who knows?

**Because sometime this all has to end, right?  I mean, Big Anklevich writes every day because he's getting older and he's lost his fuggin' mind.  But in a good way.  I do all this stuff out of some deluded idea that if I work hard every single day at one or more aspects of my life, I will be happier, and maybe someday I'll be loved.  Wait, I think we've both lost our minds.  Don't you see, Big . . . we are brothers!

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