Friday, April 03, 2020

February Sweeps - Day 63

I just sat down to write up a post, and I've already got more words today than yesterday.  That's always good.

Big Anklevich finished his story today, and I finished recording my audiobook yesterday.

I thought about doing a temporary cover (like I'm sure I mentioned yesterday), and came up with one I like.  So I thought I'd try and find an image of a creepy pendant I could use, and none pleased me, so I did an image search for pendants, and found one of those large oval ones you could put a photograph in.

I discovered I still have the original image I used for "Like A Good Neighbor," which is a photo of a mushroom that I altered to look blue:

I thought that I could take the image of the mushroom from the first story's cover and see if I couldn't insert it into the pendant.  If it works, then I'll go ahead and publish that.  Big has asked his daughter if she would consider doing a (real) cover for me, and if she does, I'll just swap out the old cover for the new one.  In the meantime, I asked him to copy the font of the 2013 cover into the new one, after which, I might post it here.

I put out my Patreon Address for my supporters yesterday, and as a bonus, I read the "I Just Wanna Be Loved, Is That So Wroooooooong?" bit from my March 4th blog post.  It made me sad once again to contemplate that f 22 person, and I hope she is riding out this pandemic with loved ones and. I dunno, her favorite chocolate bar.

BLACK WIDOW got a new release date today (in November), which is sad, but it's better than them dumping it on Disney+.  All the other Marvel movies got bumped because of it (BW took over the slot ETERNALS was previously supposed to come out).  Oh, INDIANA JONES 5 also got a new release date, which is incidentally on the seventeenth of When Hell Freezes Over.

In other news, there was a Batman statue I considered buying on eBay today, but I couldn't decide whether I'd be wasting money or not.  Granted, I waste money all the time (if you don't have kids, you should be allowed to), but this one just felt on the border.  I asked my cousin to talk me out of it, and he didn't.  I think maybe I'll hold off, since I still haven't gotten that speeding ticket bill yet.  And the Batman would've just stayed in a box in storage or worse, at the bottom of my closet (there's still a Kotobukiya Stormtrooper in there I got in 2006 or '7 and never displayed or anything).

So, I did my run today, and the first song that came up was "American Pie" by Don McLean.  It's one of my favorites, but holy moley, is it long.  I forced myself to keep running until it was done, and I was actually past the half mile marker* by the time they were singing "my, my, miss American pie," for the last time.  But, you know, the first half mile is always the hardest, and if I keep doing this, maybe one day, I too can say that the first two miles are the hardest, and it's all downhill from there.

Gosh, I wonder, if I'm still jogging in July (and that seems highly unlikely, especially since just today I thought, "You know, the moment Del Taco opens again, I'm going to go there and have a taco-eating contest with my nephew.  I bet I can eat fifteen."), if I'll have expanded my run because the route I take every night in April is just too easy.  I'm a little bit terrified to find out.

In a related note, every time I look in the mirror, all these lines in my face (are) getting clearer, and I'm surprised that I'm still so fat, when, just a couple weeks into this exercise thing, I could see a noticeable difference starting to happen.   At the same time, I had to poke a new hole into my belt in February, and a second new hole in April, so that has to mean something.

I wrote on my ex-Little Caesar's story today, and really should've finished it by now.  The other project--a new Dead & Breakfast I started the other night in order to "earn" watching "Better Call Saul," I wrote the other half of the time.  I have no idea where it's going, but that's part of the fun of writing, if there's any fun to be had.

Words Today: 1230
Words in April: 3,079

P.S. Every day I'm posting one of these and picking a song.

Day 3. "The Boys of Summer" by Don Henley.  Not much to say about this one.  I feel like I've always known this song, and always loved it.  I haven't always known the NAME of the song, however.  In fact, it wasn't until 1995 or '96 when someone corrected me that the song wasn't called "Poison Summer," as in "my love for you will still be strong after the poison summer has gone."  I worked at a record store and asked my coworker who sang it.  And I was roundly mocked.  But hey, I have a very mockable face.

*I was curious how long my (newly-)traditional jog is, so immediately after finishing the other day, I got in the car and drove around the track, paying attention to where half-mile is, where the halfway point is, the mile, and the mile-and-a-half are.  It serves no purpose, but hey, neither does this blog.  Or your nipples, sir.

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