Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March Sweeps - Day 53

I thought maybe I could finish the story today, but I podcasted and drove around instead.  It was indulgent and probably a waste of a couple of hours, but I don't know how much longer I'll be free to just go where I want to go when I want to do it, so I took the opportunity when I had it.  Big told me his city (Houston) got put on lockdown today (or whatever they're calling it, where people are supposed to stay home unless doing vital business, you know?), though he has a press pass in his car that lets the powers that be know that he's essential personnel.

We're not quite there yet, but I imagine it's coming.  That treadmill I bought in 2005 is going to become awfully exciting in a week or so.

In other news, I got my audiobook of "The Calling: Reunion" back today, a mere fifty-three days after submitting it to them (honestly, I thought they'd approved it and never gotten back to me and checked three times in the past month, never finding it), saying that every single file is too quiet and has too much noise in it.  I don't know if that's an amusing contradiction or not, I only know that it ain't good news.  That surprised me, and makes me not want to bother trying to fix it.

We'll see, though.  Seems like some of the recent files I've been editing do have a bit of a hiss to them.

I went to the park again and did the stairs--there were a bunch of people in the park exercising and running around with their dogs, and a couple of them were quite attractive--and I wrote a little bit on my story.  Then, when it got dark, I did my jogging thing again.  It was nice.  Like yesterday, I didn't feel like I was going to die at any part of the run, and I felt pretty proud of myself when it was done.  Maybe that's how normal people feel all the time.

I think I'd rather sit down and record tonight instead of writing or editing, but that's just me.  And just now.  Who knows how I'll feel in three hours.

I have recorded the first nine segments (chapters) of my Lara Demming* sequel, and I checked and it's at just under 28,000 words, so I assume it'll lay around 30,000-32,000 when it's done.  That's not quite a novel, but it's still pretty good for me.  At this rate, its audio will be out before "The Calling 2" is.  I think I'll sit down right now and record Chapter 10.

Words Today: 1527
Words In March: 31,746

*I just remembered that I named Lara after some lady I knew who was nice to me circa 2012/13, but I can't remember what her first name was anymore.  I guess that's what happens when I "honor" folks with character names . . . sometimes the characters live on long past my interaction with the people do.


  1. I'm going to try to join you in your writing quest. I am attempting a meager 300 words a day, starting today. May the odds be ever in your favor....

  2. Even writing 300 words a day, it will amaze you how fast they pile up. Good luck!
