Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February Sweeps - Day 26

Well, whadda you know?  I finished that Ben Parks story.  I still remember coming up with it while mowing the back lawn at my dad's house (this would've been 2018), and being excited enough that I ran inside and made notes about it before I drove up to my cousin's.

Of course, it's also the same story I considered writing back in 2015, when Big Anklevich first suggested I write a follow-up to "Birth of a Sidekick."  So, that's kind of nice.*  Better late than never?

I saw this on Instagram today, and loved it.  Still do.

After finishing, I figured I had done fine for the day.  But I sat myself down and wrote a few more words on the horror story I started the other day (and hadn't worked on since the 19th).  I got 838 words, and then jotted down a couple ideas for the Little Caesar's story I pitched to Big A. a decade or so ago (and that he remembers more than I do).  It's a story that is missing something, mostly about the dissolution of a friendship, and I can't figure out if there should be a B-story going on at the same time, or if the friendship should be the B-story.  Either way, I'm not ready to write it yet, darn it.

If and when I finish my Horror story (which could be as soon as tomorrow, if I have another crazy writing day in me), maybe I should turn to that one.

There's only a few days left in the month.  Hopefully, March will be productive too.

Words Today: 2,440
Words Total: 42,273

*All I gotta do is format it, read it over again, and take a picture of my nephew wearing a cowboy hat for a cover, and I've got another lil "Sidekick" story I can sell.  Oh, and I've got to title it.  I'm not sure if "A Sidekick's First Mission" is quite what I'm looking for.


  1. How about "A Sidekick's Second Chance," since this is his first official mission after the Lean Rider died.

  2. That's what I wanted to call "A Sidekick's Journey," and always regretted not finding a word that means "second chance."

    This one is a much lesser story than that, and not an official mission at all (just a chance to tag along on one). Is there a word that means "proving?" Like "A Sidekick Proves Himself?"
