Monday, March 11, 2019

March Badness - Day 11

Whoops, today was the closest I've come to not writing.  Even the first day, when I didn't feel good and only wanted to go to sleep, I still sat up and typed for a couple of minutes.

Today, I let the whole day go by without writing, though I did email myself an abandoned story from years ago that I'd started, even created (poor) cover art for, and then never finished.  I figured, if I went to the library, I could grab this file, open it, and write it through to the end.  Heck, I should do that with every other work-in-progress still sitting on my desktop.

Big Anklevich called me from his drive home and we talked, then we podcasted until the battery ran out on his recorder.  Then he put a new battery in and we podcasted some more.  All in all, we'd been talking for over three hours before I let him go.  At this point, it was two am my time (which makes it three for him!), and I was about to retire for a long winter's nap.

But I had forgotten what month it was, hadn't I?  So, I grabbed the document, scooped up two paragraphs of it, and translated that into actual story writing.

I ended up with three hundred and fifty-nine words, which is not great.  But it's not nothing either.  And now I can go to sleep.

Words Today: 359
Words Total: 8228

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