Friday, January 25, 2019

Rish Outcast 129: Lost and Found (Part II)

In this episode, I share the second half of "Lost and Found," picking up with Armin and Will leaving Mr. Kassad's office.  Once again, I sum up my ideas for a sequel, and explain where the inspiration came from.

I also talk about Anne Frank, Samuel L. Jackson, and Abraham Van Helsing.  What more could you ask, Pia Zadora?

Do ya wanna download the episode directly?  Well, Right-Click HERE.

Do ya wanna support me on Patreon?  Well, Left-Click HERE.

Do ya think I'm sexy?  Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "The Hillside Angler" Moretto.

1 comment:

  1. Great tale! I do want more.
    I would push for Will growing older, dealing with his talent and the pressures/psychological effects there in.
    You could do a whole series here even. Will trying to help people but also having to cope with the horrible things he's seen, and maybe even done.
    Could he keep his youthful innocence and belief in the good in the world or would he start to become jaded. Helping because he is good, but barely being able to handle the trauma he's faced.
    But that's me. I'm not the writer. You are and I really enjoy your take on things which is why I read/listen to them.
