Saturday, October 06, 2018

Rish Outcast 119: But Now I'm Found

In this episode, I talk about finding someone's purse, someone's keys, and someone's breaking point.

Unfortunately, I refer (extensively) to my story "Lost and Found" in this show.  I totally thought I had run that on the Outcast a year or two ago, but when I did a search for it, it didn't come up.  I sincerely apologize (and nearly decided to postpone this episode and just not have a show this week), but if you want to check it out, the text version is HERE and the audio version is HERE.

Guess I know what story I'll do an episode for tonight.

The next episode will be better, I promise.*

Alright, download this sucker directly by Right-Clicking HERE.

Okay, support me on Patreon by going HERE.

Okright, waste a little more of your life by going HERE.

Outcast logo by Gino "I Once Was Lost" Moretto.

*Seriously, though, this is a solid ep.  You could do a hell of a lot worse than this episode.  Hey, you HAVE done a hell of a lot worse.

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