Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Irritating Road Block

So, the next (scheduled) episode of the Rish Outcast was created to plug my next book (or "book" if we have to be catty . . . and honest), but I've submitted it to Audible twice and had it rejected twice.  That basically means that the next episode will either be promoting an audiobook that doesn't yet exist, or will have to be delayed.

I'm wondering if I should go ahead and air it, and keep to my schedule (which has already fallen behind because I lost a couple of days trying to edit a video podcast I kept having trouble with), or if I should just air the next episode in the rotation and catch up with the missed episode early in November (I'd sort of have to do it that way to get all the "Sidekick's Journey" shows in before Halloween).  Or do I air Episode 120 before 119 and just jam 119 in there whenever I get the okay from Audible, despite it breaking up the chronology, because who really cares in what order the shows were released in, if they're numbered anyway?

What do you think?

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