Monday, August 13, 2018

Rish Performs "Relationship Breakdown" On StarShip Sofa

Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, I've got another narration on Star Ship Sofa, the multiple award-winning story podcast! This time, it's "Breakdown of the Parasite/Host Relationship" by Paul R. Hardy. It's about the struggles between an alien symbiote and its human carrier onboard a spaceship, and is pretty amusing.

This was a bit of a challenge for me. I was given absolutely no direction on how to tackle the story* as far as accents, sound effects, transitions, or editing, and it was all pretty complicated when I thought about it.
Like my pieces "Outgoing Transmissions" and "Greetings From the Ninth Sector," this is a Sci-Fi story told in an epistolary format, except that this one was transcripts of chats between characters. I sort of had to translate that into audio format by presenting it as though these are voicemails we're hearing between characters, and that actually works way better (since some of the interactions beggar credibility when you imagine that people are TYPING all this stuff rather than saying it).

Check out the results of all my choices HERE.

Rish "Breakdown Of Any Relationship" Outfield

*On the contrary, I got an email asking if I would read the story and determine whether it would work in audio before the editor even decided whether to purchase it for the show. Certainly more power than I've ever wielded on a podcast that isn't mine.

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