Thursday, August 02, 2018

Marshal & I Talk Spielberg's DUEL

Marshal Latham has a podcast called Strewn Along the Path, where he gets in a car and talks about stuff (I oughtta try that sometime, huh?), and often he talks about movies he's seen recently.  Well, he invited me to sit down and talk to him about a movie we were both a fan of, Steven Spielberg's 1971 TV movie DUEL.

Well, Marshal has edited that conversation (sticking in music and soundbites too, a thankless task if I ever saw one) and put it up on his website (AT THIS LINK), so everyone can hear us talk.  And by everyone, I mean the absolutely zero people who will ever listen to that podcast.

But hey, prove me wrong.  Prove me wrong and let Marshal know you'd like us to do this on a regular basis, and we'll switch off picking movies (Marshal is bound to pick good movies, whereas I, in my fashion, will force him to watch bad ones).  He even suggested making a list of potential views and letting his (actual, breathing?) listeners choose which one should be next.

I, for one, welcome our podcast overlords.

Rish Outfield, Movie Reviewer

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