Monday, August 01, 2016

Rish Narrates "The Rat King" on Pseudopod

I was looking through the recordings on my magical device tonight, trying to free up some space, when I saw a file called "Rat King reading."  It was a narration I did of a story by Lia Swope Mitchell called "The Rat King," and I did a search for it.

Turns out, the episode went live two days ago, over at Pseudopod, the horror podcast.

This is a short tale told in Second Person, and was inspired by a weird phenomenon known as a rat king, where a mass of rodents get entangled by their tails, and become one filthy, starving, squirming, biting organism.  Like the Kardashians.

It's featured on another of their incessant "Flash on the Borderlands" episodes, with three scary tales in one.  They produce this shite every single week, and we can't even manage to get a show up a month.

Check it out at this link.

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