Monday, January 11, 2016

Rish Outcast 34: The Terran Chronicles

A few months back, Rish went to see THE MARTIAN, then spent a while talking about it (and writing) with Big Anklevich.  Then he told you about it.  And about his first new project of 2016.  And a song?

Or download the mutha.

P.S.  The story I mentioned first in this episode ended up getting published in 2017.  It's called "Newfound Fame" and it's available on Amazon and on Audible.  Check it out?

1 comment:

  1. Hey just thought of this. Love the current podcast - actually don't hear too much of the weather in the background so no worries. Anyways, just wanted to say I'm listening and I'm hopeful for new works. all the best
