Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rish Performs "Dead Money" by Dean Wesley Smith available on Audible

I have been able to produce audio versions of several pieces by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (with one more on the way soon), and I may have impressed (or at least pleased) her agent, because she offered me a book my Rusch's husband, Dean Wesley Smith.

"Dead Money" is a Mystery/Action-Adventure novel about a professional Poker player whose estranged father, also a professional Poker player, dies under mysterious circumstances, and discovers a conspiracy and cover-up that goes all the way to the highest levels . . . nearly all elements of which also play Poker.  Someone is murdering gamblers for various keys they possess, but what do those keys unlock, and who would take such deadly steps to obtain them?

Unlike most of the productions I've done, virtually every character in this book was American, so I couldn't cheat and come up with an easy-to-remember accented voice I could keep going back to.  What's more, the killer has dialogue early on, but his identity is kept from us (the readers), so I kept worrying that he would turn out to be someone I'd already developed a voice for, and then I'd either have to go back and re-record, or "cheat" by having the killer and his secret identity have two different voices.  Do I overthink these things?

Dean Wesley Smith writes a blog full of advice for would-be writers that has been extraordinarily useful to both me and my cohort B.D. Anklevich.  The man is very opinionated, but a lot of what he says there motivates me to put out my work, so it's kind of nice to return the favor, so to speak.

Here is a link to the audiobook.  Check it out, if ye like.

Rish "Dead Monkey" Outfield

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