Monday, June 09, 2014

Live-Writing Exercise: Take 3 (ALSV 1)

Okay, here I go again.  This is going to be a (hopefully) daily writing exercise, wherein I am publicly succeeding or failing at writing a story this June.  Big Anklevich is also doing it, and his blog can be found at, if you'd like to jeer and/or encourage him.


Tanissa was excited to be spending part of her summer with her dad.  Since the divorce, she'd seen less of him than she'd have liked, and way more of her mother than any thirteen year old would prefer.  But now it was June, and she'd be staying for two weeks--at least--at her father's new apartment.  She met him at the airport, where he was waiting, in uniform, right beside the deboarding gate. 

Her dad worked for the airport, in the luggage department, and had been recently promoted to supervisor, and he looked good with his tie, jacket, and cap.  Tanissa spoke to her father often on the phone or over the computer, but it had been more than a month since they’d been together.  He had gained some weight since they lived together, but was not yet what you'd call fat.
“You have any luggage?” he asked her, and she nodded.  She had a small carry-on, and one mid-sized suitcase.  They walked together and he put his arm around her, commenting how much she’d grown.

The divorce hadn’t been overly nasty, but what divorce is sweet and flowery?  Dad had moved out, left town, and now lived less than ten minutes from the airport.  Tanissa had never seen his apartment.  But they’d be together for almost three weeks, and she had been looking forward to it in the days before school let out.

1 comment:

  1. I've decided to join the fun / insanity as well over at my old stomping grounds at
