Friday, August 15, 2008

Stupid Thing of the Week

My friend Big Anklevich and I have a short fiction podcast, The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine. Every other week, we get together and record an audio version of a short story someone has sent to us. This last week, we thought we'd get ahead by reading three stories, knowing that the audio files take a long time to edit.

We didn't quite manage three, though.

B.A. and I read through a particularly good scary story, "Woman Called Witch," with me voicing the narrator and the titular creepy old lady. B.A. was the voice of three bank robbers, and glanced around like a Catholic schoolgirl with a Ouija board every time he was called upon to swear, but actually did a pretty good job.

We read through the whole thing in fairly record time, finishing the story after just under forty-eight minutes recording. We were going to move on to the next story, but B.A. checked the file and made an unpleasant realisation: he hadn't had the computer recording from the microphones we'd been holding during the reading.

What came out was a tinny, echoey, static-filled mess, causing my friend to curse in a slightly more realistic way when we heard it. We had to start over and do the story from scratch.

On the positive side, it only took us thirty-nine minutes to get through it the second time.

On the negative (besides the obvious), we both agreed that parts of the story had been much better the first time through.

If you can call any version of my old woman voice "better" than anything else.

Rish "Get It Right the Nth Time" Outfield

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