Sunday, August 03, 2008

Comic-Con Post 4

We were later arriving the next day, and parked the car in a little lot roughly a mile from the convention center. We had to pay to park there, and walk quite a ways to and from the show, but we went to that exact spot again the next day, and I intend to park there every year from now on.

Friday had a lot more going on than Thursday, but we found that, for some reason, while there were often long stretches between panels where nothing interesting was going on, when there was a good panel, there would be another good one scheduled at the same time. My theory behind this was that they were trying to split the audiences' attentions so the crowds would be more manageable.

Merrill's theory, however, that Satan-worship was involved, is just as plausable.

For example, Merrill wanted to go to a presentation of the "Spectacular Spider-man" cartoon, and I wanted to go to the Universal WOLF MAN remake panel. There was also a "Spaced" panel for that late great BBC series.

But all three were scheduled opposite the panel for Joss Whedon's "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog." We wanted to see that the most, so Merrill stood in the line for it while I tried (uselessly) to buy toys for my cousin. He called me from the line to warn me that he was close to the door, so I ran to get there in time.

I did manage, barely, ending up sitting on the second-to-last row (and that, only thanks to Merrill), as the panel was starting.
Gosh, the crowd was excited about "Dr. Horrible." Joss Whedon does inspire almost fanatical devotion.* On the panel were Joss, actors Nathan Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day, and Simon Helberg, and co-writers Marissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, and Zack Whedon.
It was a fun panel, with lots of laughs, and a group of people who seem to enjoy each others' company, and do good work.
I was so far back that few of my pictures turned out, but because I had many sets of batteries, I took about six hundred over the four days.

Merrill kept insisting that Nathan Fillion looks exactly like his brother.
I don't really have anything to say about that (Merrill's parents had ten kids, and I've only met the one), but I do enjoy me the Dr. Horrible. You will too, if you go to the Dr. Horrible website.

Of course, some results may vary.

Afterward, we went to a panel with Hasbro toys that all but announced the death of my beloved Marvel Legends figure line, but they gave out cool magnets that I've been able to sell for a great deal more than they're worth on eBay. So there's that.


*Which shouldn't be so surprising, since the word "fan" is derived from "fanatic," but I digress.

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