Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Top Five SNL Cast Members

Last Saturday, "Saturday Night Live" just aired its season finale, its thirty-fourth season finale. Steve Carrell was the host, and though I thought it was only a fair episode, everyone has their generation of SNL cast, and everyone thinks theirs is best. I know I do.

I considered going online and digging up a list of all the cast members, past and present, but ultimately, laziness won the day. Or, rather, I, er, thought it wiser to leave the names to the memories of everyone who answered, so they'd only list the five people who actually came to mind.

My list would have to be:
1. Eddie Murphy
2. Dana Carvey
3. Phil Hartman
4. Dan Aykroyd
5. Gilda Radner

Sadly, I've never met any of them, though I did watch Eddie Murphy goof around the set of DREAMGIRLS.

Tyranist was the first to respond. Apparently, he has yet to tire of these pointless lists.
1. Phil Hartman
2. Jimmy Fallon
3. Mike Myers
4. Jon Lovitz
5. Dennis Miller

Cousin Ryan was quick to answer (though I'd have bet your college fund he never really followed "Saturday Night Live"), with:
1. Dan Aykroyd
2. Chevy Chase
3. Adam Sandler
4. Steve Martin
5. Chris Farley

I don't know if I should allow Steve Martin or not, but I gotta admit that looking back, I've considered him a cast member a time or two.

My high school buddy Rhett usually waits quite a while to send me his list, but this time, he was about a week ahead. I thought it interesting that he made sure to list most of the dead ones.

1. Chris Farley
2. Dana Carvey
3. Phil Hartman
4. Chevy Chase
5. John Belushi

Prison Guard Johnny sent me this list (not only listing Steve Martin, but placing him first):
1. Steve Martin
2. Chris Farley
3. Chevy Chase
4. Eddy Murphy
5. Dennis Miller

Jeff the Sex Chemist sent me an interesting list. I suppose it shows just how much older he is than me.

1) Dan Akroyd
2) Gilda Radner
3) Billy Crystal
4) Dana Carvey
5) John Lovitz

Lorraine Newman and Jane Curtain are my #s 6 & 7.

I expected a couple other people to respond, but they didn't yet. So here I wait.

Rish "The Jean Doumanian Season" Outfield

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